Millions of people use credit cards: approximately 70% of Americans have at least one credit card, adding up to over 175 million Americans who have to deal with credit card companies on a regular basis. Out of those millions, there are quite a few that run into issues such as fraud or debt collection harassment from those companies. Unfortunately, most of these people don’t know who to turn to for help! While there are a lot of consumer rights attorneys in Los Angeles, it can be hard to know which ones you can trust, and which ones can get you the compensation that you deserve.
Even if you never have trouble with a credit card company, there are a lot of ways to be a smart and savvy credit user. Here are some tips to keep your credit cards from being more of a burden than a blessing:
- Examine your statements carefully
Too many people fail to catch errors on their credit card statements, simply because they don’t take the time to look at them in detail. Get in the habit of combing through your monthly statements with care, and addressing any errors right away.
- Document all interactions with the company
This tip is important for everyone, but especially those who are concerned about suspicious activity from their credit card company. Whenever you talk, email, write, or otherwise communicate with the company, make sure you make notes in your records.
- Be prudent with your credit usage
When money is tight, it can be tempting to use credit cards to make ends meet, or to “afford” nice things. Using up a lot of your credit can be dangerous, and you may be hit with fees and/or put yourself in a worse financial position. Try to keep your credit usage below 50% at all times, to avoid any conflicts over fees and other penalties.
- Open, store, and close credit cards properly
Security is a concern these days, so make sure you follow the right steps for opening a new credit card or closing an old one. Also, be wise with your storage of credit cards, and check often to ensure they’re safely in your possession. Being smart with your cards can save you many headaches and disputes down the line.
Set yourself up for success with these tips, and if you need the opinion of an experienced consumer rights attorney in Los Angeles, Martin & Bontrager is here for you. Contact us today for your free consultation.