Credit Report Errors & Disputes

If there is faulty information on your credit report, we can help!
Your credit report is important when it comes to buying a home, leasing a car, or looking for a job, and you should not be penalized for inaccuracies. You have the right to dispute these errors and have them corrected, but sometimes this process is not simple. That’s where Martin & Bontrager, APC comes in.
Our firm is comprised of some of the best consumer rights attorneys in California, and we have successfully taken on credit reporting agencies, to get our clients the outcomes and compensation that they deserve. Even the smallest error on your report can adversely affect your credit score, and we take these violations seriously.

Inaccurate Information Gets on Credit Reports in a Variety of Ways, Including:

  • A creditor inaccurately reports information on your credit report;
  • A creditor may report a debt as past due, outstanding or unpaid when it has already been paid or is no longer legally owed;
  • A creditor may continue to report that a debt is owed even though it was included and discharged in bankruptcy;
  • An account may be listed twice on the same report;
  • Your credit information may be in a “mixed file” with another person’s credit information;
  • You may have been a victim of identity theft;
  • Your previously closed accounts still show as active and/or may have been “re-aged”;
  • An employer pulls your credit in connection with a background check without providing the requisite disclosures to you;
  • Your creditor(s) for any other reason falsely reports that you owe a balance that you don’t or were late on a payment that you weren’t!

When there is any type of error on your credit report, you are the one who suffers, and you are entitled to legal help!

How Can We Help

Free Credit Report Analysis

The attorneys at Martin & Bontrager, APC offer a free credit report analysis. If you believe there are items on your credit report that are inaccurate, the attorneys at Martin & Bontrager, APC can assist you with dispute letters to be sent to the credit bureaus. If after disputing it appears that furnishers of credit information or credit bureaus are willfully reporting false, inaccurate or misleading information on your credit report, the attorneys at Martin & Bontrager, APC can potentially represent you at no charge and seek full compensation for you.

Reach out to us at 323-940-1700 for your free consultation today!

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